Our 高中 Preview Day and Open House events for grades 9-12 are coming up!  网上注册


“There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, 谁是万物的主宰, 不会哭, “我的!'”


34 可获得的大学学分
60 高中选修课
4200 每年服务时间
168 教师 & 工作人员



Accredited by the Middle States Association of Schools and Colleges and approved by the New Jersey Department of Education, Eastern Christian 高中 offers a strong college preparatory program and general and business 项目 for students going immediately to careers. Well qualified instructors teach their subjects from a Christian perspective. 学生 are constantly challenged to put their faith into action. The “Faith in Action” program is one such project that requires students who enter 高中 to volunteer time for community service.

父母 and students applying will want to bear in mind that the atmosphere is distinctively and purposely Christian and that the course work is stimulating, 挑战与严谨.


  • Four years of pre-college preparation in English, Math, Science and Social Studies
  • 与西顿霍尔大学的项目加速伙伴关系. 学生 have access to classes bearing 41 college credits while enrolled in high school.
  • Elective courses in Business, 艺术, Bible, Social Studies, English, and Science
  • Outstanding music 项目: Concert Band, Orchestra, Choir, and Honors Choir
  • 为需要个人帮助的学生提供资源室
  • 40-minute non-graded learning period (SOAR) 4 days per week for non-traditional learning, 修复, 以及学生领导的机会




Our 中学 is the bridge between elementary and high school. Here, 4th and 5th grade students continue in an upper elementary model. The upper elementary program is characterized by an integrated Humanities program and Science & 四年级和五年级的数学经验. 六年级学生, 七年级和八年级有一个部门结构, providing instructors who are teaching in their areas of expertise. 同时, we recognize the unique needs of rapidly growing middle school students by offering a rich variety of academic and practical learning opportunities during daily “activity periods.” Conscious of the spiritual capacity of middle school students, all subjects are taught from a Christian perspective and help students make ethical decisions.


  • 每日灵修和每周教堂/小组
  • 服务学习计划(创造不同计划)
  • 上小学 Program in Grades 4 and 5 (½ day Humanities, ½ day Math and Science)
  • 6-8年级的部门化教学
  • 代数和几何高级课程
  • 资源室为需要个人帮助的学生提供帮助
  • 优秀的音乐节目提供乐队, Choir and Orchestra with multiple formal and community-based performances and recitals
  • 先进的媒体中心
  • Competitive athletic teams in Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, Cross Country, and Track
  • 6 -8年级1:1 chromebook政策. 4-5年级使用教室设备.
  • Full integration of the Google Apps for Education into middle school systems for student creation, 协作和生产



The Eastern Christian 小学 offers a complete academic education with a spiritual dimension complementing the teaching of both home and church.

Teachers provide an environment where children feel secure, loved and respected. 学生 are encouraged to develop a love for learning as they develop basic skills for a lifetime of education.


  • 每日灵修和圣经课,每周教堂礼拜
  • 90 minutes of daily Language 艺术 instruction including phonics, 阅读, 写作, 拼写和口语
  • 每天60分钟的数学教学
  • 为学生提供尖端科技,包括电脑, ipad, 教室里的chromebook和普罗米修斯板
  • 学龄前至三年级综合音乐课程
  • Weekly specials classes in grades K-3 include Physical Education/Health, 音乐, 艺术, 电脑及图书馆
  • 上学前和 放学后 项目



Eastern Christian School offers a flexible kindergarten program featuring 5 full days, allowing parents to choose either a full or half day for Tuesday and Thursday. 父母 may choose which option is best for their child and for the family schedule. Our kindergarten program is led by passionate teachers who are early education experts. 在一个令人兴奋和培育的环境, your child will develop critical academic foundations through developmentally appropriate hands-on learning. 


  • 强调语音的发展
  • 令人兴奋和相关的数学,科学和历史课程
  • 每日圣经和祷告时间
  • 圣经整合了所有科目
  • 每周音乐课
  • 刺激体育(每周两次)
  • 可用的扩展程序


Eastern Christian 学前教育 exists to prepare young followers of Jesus Christ as they develop academically, 身体上的, 社会, 和精神上. Our program is fully accredited and developmentally appropriate. Eastern Christian 学前教育 and 幼儿园 is located in its own wing of Eastern Christian 小学. Our school is located in a beautiful neighborhood in 米德兰公园, NJ. 我们学生的健康和安全是非常重要的. We have a school nurse as well as a director of security and safety on staff.

Eastern Christian 学前教育 recognizes that each child has been purposefully created in the image of God with unique gifts and abilities. 因此, Eastern Christian 学前教育 utilities a teaching approach known as Developmentally Appropriate Practice. This means that we are continually identifying the developmental stage of each child in all areas of development: cognitive, 社会, 情感, 物理, 和精神. 从那里, 我们有意设计游戏中心, 项目, 游戏, and literacy activities to support young learners as they progress to the next developmental stage.

新葡京app学前教育的价值观. We know that play nurtures every aspect of a child’s development. 通过玩耍, 儿童建立智力的基础, 社会, 物理, 以及在学校和生活中取得成功所需的情感技能. 当孩子们用积木搭的时候,他们就是在学习, 画一幅画, 荡秋千, 或虚构的. During play children try new things, solve problems, create, test ideas, and explore.

Our preschool students have a Christian faith-integrated curriculum. 每一天都以祈祷和虔诚开始. Our preschool students also worship the Lord through singing and learn a Bible story each day. 然而,我们的信仰融合并不局限于圣经时代. 孩子们整天都在学习上帝和他的爱.
